Its Christmas time and I am ready for it! Ryan and I have set a record for ourselves and had all of your Christmas decorations up by December 1!!! Our house looks beautiful, I only wish it was bigger so that I could have people over to see it. Here is a small glimpse of our Christmas decorated house...
Ryan was the best husband ever and put up lights outside for me! It was the first time ever!!! Ryan was really excited about decorating for Christmas this year as you will see! After all we put these up before the "snow storm", according the weather man, came. After he had these beautiful lights up he went to plug them in and realized he had the wrong end by the outlet. Needless to say Ryan accomplished the whole process with only yelling at the lights a few times.
Yes that's right Ryan and I took the next step in our marriage and got our first REAL Christmas tree!!! Why is this such a big step you may ask, well just say the way Jim and Cindi go about putting up their Christmas tree isn't so pleasant, you know making sure its straight, etc. Proudly Ryan and I survived the process without even raising our voices!!! Being the perfectionist that we are after I put the lights on and decorated it Ryan and I decided to take everything off and redo it. It is somewhat bare but that is what is so great about Christmas. Every year our tree will get more beautiful!!!
I have always wanted a blue and silver Christmas tree! A tree that is beautiful and has a "theme" and not a bunch on miscellaneous ornaments, so I finally got my tree! There are beautiful navy blue, a light silvery blue and silver bulbs on our tree. Our tree doesn't have a topper yet but hopefully I will find that perfect piece one day.
Don't worry, we still have our first Christmas tree. Ryan was busy decorating this multi-color tree while I was decorating the formal tree. This tree showcases all of our childhood ornaments including all of Ryan's sports ornaments, my Disney and Barbie ornaments, and the bible themed ornaments. We have acquired all of these ornaments from our beloved grandmothers. The Santa hat is perfect to top our Christmas tree.
Well that is a glimpse of our beautifully decorated house. We are ready for Christmas! December is a wonderful month due to our birthdays, decorating Christmas cookies, and all of the Christmas Parties!!! Lets not forget the real meaning and most important reason to celebrate Christmas, to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ! Merry Christmas!