Well Christmas is over and January is half way there! I can't believe how fast life goes! It has been one busy month at the Mattern house on Clark St. Here is the run down to get you up to date...

Christmas was another exciting and successful event. We made it to all of the families' Christmas parties and then some. Harley got lots of toys and even a Santa hat. Even though she wasn't exactly a fan of it she did look pretty darn cute in it!
I took my NCLEX in December and found out unfortunately I did not pass yet again. However, I did not let that discourage me. Ryan and I decided that it would be best if I went to Toledo to take an NCLEX review course. I was excited to take this course because it stressed the test strategy. Since I knew my content, after talking with several professors and reviewing my results it was determined that it would be best. So this last weekend and this coming weekend Ryan and I get to spend time in Toledo, OH. Ryan chose this wonderful hotel for us to stay in. It is a "newly" remodeled Days Inn.
No, there is nothing wrong with you computer coloring, the Days Inn was the ugliest lime green I have ever seen! It was one of the worst hotels I have ever stayed in! There wasn't a fan in the bathroom and you could barely get in the bathroom and close the door! It was missing pieces of obvious furniture. Then when I went to Toledo University, which is where my class was held I was scared for my life! I have never wanted to own a gun in my life until then! I was convinced that I saw a man walking down the street carrying a gun! Ryan says its a cell phone, but it would of had to of been a very large cell phone! Thankfully my instructor is very nice and funny to make the class worth going to. He has given lots of helpful hints and suggestions.

Since all of the holidays are done and over with we are finally getting back into our routine, except for our two trips to Toledo of course. I get to play with Lily every Monday once again and have a blast. Here are a few pictures of Lily and Harley. Lily has really come to love "playing" with Harley.