Saturday, October 25, 2008

Are my photography classes paying off?

Well my photography classes are almost over and I put them to the test in taking Starla's senior pictures. We still need to take her soccer pics but here is what I have now. Let me know what you think! Good or bad as long as it is constructive criticism :)


Lindsay @ said...

So when are you going into business? :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Angie,

I've never done this before, so I hope it works. Your pixs are wonderful! You've captured every emotion in Starla's face - both seriousness and fun. I can't decide which one I like the best, they are all excellent. By the way, I love your hair short! At least it seems shorter since I last saw you. Best of luck in your photography endeavors.

Barb Stutsman

Anonymous said...

To bad you couldnt find someone better to take pics of. Also i really enjoyed the pic of the pepsi can!!