Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Wow! Sorry for slacking and not updating my blog. My fans are begging for more (actually just my loving mother-in-law) and I will do my best to update weekly!

I am still studying tons for my NCLEX Examination, the date is approaching quickly but the date will still not be told. Your prayers will be much appreciated however!!! I will have the results by Thanksgiving, I will tell you that much! :)

My mom did have a successful parathyroidectomy surgery (where they removed her parathyroid). The nasty little, walnut sized parathyroid (average size is the tip of your pinky finger, well unless you have huge hands like Mark) was between her esophagus and her trachea, or in my dad's terms, her eating tube and her breathing tube. It was not cancer and she is recovering well from the surgery. My family would still appreciate your prayers in the months ahead.

My lil-bro-in-law's varsity soccer team made is to Regional Finals! The first ever in NorthWood's history. On my husband's behalf they did have a lot easier bracket to play in than when Ryan was in High School.

My "lil" sister's varsity soccer team made it to Sectional Finals, the second time in NorthWood's history. The first time being when I was in high school. :)

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