What the nurse hopes to see when she looks into the ear with an otoscope prior to the procedure is this...
This generally only takes a few minutes to wash out. The only protective equipment that is worn is the patient usually has a plastic cape draped over their shoulder (similar to what you wear when you get your hair cut) and maybe a towel or two to prevent getting wet. The nurse does not wear anything. Well, nurses really should start wearing shields over their faces because this week I got ear wax all over my face while cleaning a patients ear out. The patients entire ear was compacted even more so than the picture above. I go about my usual routine but as I start spraying the water into the ear, the water basically ricochets off of the ear wax (which immediately softened) and came shooting back at me and hit me in the face! Large wax chunks and all. It was like the ball exploded! It was the first time this had ever happened to me and hopefully the last!!!! It was disgusting!!!! Needless to say I was successful and her ear looked like new when I was done.
That shiny reflection is what you want to see! That is your ear drum!!!!
Isn't nursing so rewarding!
Um. . . yuck! As if I needed a reminder why I didn't go into nursing! :)
Yeah! I'm studying ears right now; in fact I'm doing a web assignment where we have practice documenting our findings of ears... Ears are cool; earwax is gross!!!
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