Saturday, October 25, 2008
Are my photography classes paying off?
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Photography 101: Outdoor Landscape
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Photography 101: Understanding ISO AND the different Scene Modes
White Balance is a setting in your camera where you tell the camera which temperature of light your subject is in. The settings of light include incandescent(light bulb),fluorescent, or daylight are the most common.If you set the camera on the wrong setting then your whole picture will tint a certain color. For example if you set your camera on incandescent and take a picture in natural daylight it will be tinted blue. And then when your camera setting is matching the same as what is on your subject the color is really natural.
The last lesson was learning about the different scene modes and what the camera is doing in each setting. I learned how to take better pictures especially in the action mode. To do this I had to adjust the shutter speed so that the camera wouuld take the picture faster but as a result the images are not as clear as they usually are.(there are other things but I don't want to confuse more than I already have) For practice I took lots of pictures at my little brother-in-laws soccer game today.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
A Great Weekend!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Photography 101:Understand Apature and Shutter Speed

This setting is indicated on most cameras as the flower. The camera automatically zooms to the position at the closest distance at which the camera can focus. My camera can focus as close as 4 cm.
This setting is indicated on most cameras as a mountain. The camera focuses at infinity. Sometimes the objects in the foreground are not always in focus. Meaning, sometimes the dog in the front would be out of focus while the dog in the back would be in focus. It is a pretty neat setting! Because I was so close to both dogs the camera picked up both of them clearly.
I used Adobe Photoshop to edit this picture because I did not like the background, i.e. the register, and so I blurred out everything except the dogs which made them really stand out.
Harley is the dog in front and Ervin's dog Lucky is the one behind her. They are so well behaved!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Photography 101: Exploring Your Subject
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Photography 101: The Rule of Thirds
Thursday, July 10, 2008
California Missions Trip
The trip was a major success! It was a fun, exhausting time spent with approximately 40 kids, age range 6-12 years.The week was spent playing games, hiking up and down steep trails, and watching out for mountain lions and bears! A mountain lion was spotted on one the trails the day after we were on that trail. A mountain lion had not been spotted for years prior to. It was exciting but I was terrified to walk the trails with 12 little kids multiple times a day, let alone by myself; which I unfortunately had to do. Here are some pictures of what the camp was like.
***Interesting note: We walked passed the above cabin (6) daily, multiple times and if we saw that the trash cans were tipped over we needed to be extra careful and watch out for the bear. Thankfully we never encountered or saw any signs of the bear thankfully. The rumor is that last fall the bear was shot. The bear was around a lot last summer at camp, they even had blow horns that the counselors carried around when a bear was spotted. It just gives me the goose bumps thinking about it. I praised God daily for keeping us safe!!!
Another highlight from the trip is David, (bottom photo) who is one of the teens from Nappanee who went with us, accepted Jesus into his heart while on the trip. David and Starla both had made the decision to be baptized on July 6 at the NFBC church baptism. When we met for dinner Saturday night after camp had concluded David was sharing his new decision with Pastor Paul (Pastor of one of the Brethren Churches in California) he was very excited for him. He began to talk about baptism and what it means and what all it involves and then said "Heck we could baptize you over in that little pond" and David said that would be awesome. So Pastor Paul baptized David and then Starla said she wanted to be baptized too. It was an amazing time and Gods presence was felt by many. It was truly a unique and memorable experience.

note: oh yeah, David fell off the railing of a deck and sprained his ankle, which is why there are crutches in the photo
Monday, June 9, 2008
California Missions Trip

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Angie Mattern R.N.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
January Update