I have always wanted a blue and silver Christmas tree! A tree that is beautiful and has a "theme" and not a bunch on miscellaneous ornaments, so I finally got my tree! There are beautiful navy blue, a light silvery blue and silver bulbs on our tree. Our tree doesn't have a topper yet but hopefully I will find that perfect piece one day.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
It's Christmas time!!!
I have always wanted a blue and silver Christmas tree! A tree that is beautiful and has a "theme" and not a bunch on miscellaneous ornaments, so I finally got my tree! There are beautiful navy blue, a light silvery blue and silver bulbs on our tree. Our tree doesn't have a topper yet but hopefully I will find that perfect piece one day.
Monday, October 22, 2007
J.K. Rowling has went past the line...
"She then explained that Dumbledore was smitten with rival Gellert Grindelwald, whom he defeated long ago in a battle between good and bad wizards. "Falling in love can blind us to an extent,"J.K. Rowling said of Dumbledore's feelings, adding that Dumbledore was "horribly, terribly let down."Dumbledore's love, she observed, was his "great tragedy.""
"Neither Dumbledore nor Grindelwald ever seems to have referred to this brief boyhood friendship in later life,"' Rowling writes. "However, there can be no doubt that Dumbledore delayed, for some five years of turmoil, fatalities, and disappearances, his attack upon Gellert Grindelwald. Was it lingering affection for the man or fear of exposure as his once best friend that caused Dumbledore to hesitate?"
It is absolutely ridiculous for her to say this!!! The series is complete. She isn't writing anymore books about Harry Potter or Dumbledore. Why would you say something like that now? I am furious. This is a big stretch for her to say this about Dumbledore. I don't know why she thinks she needs to make a" a big step for Jo Rowling and for gay rights." This is like her to say, well yes I wrote a wonderful series and you know I think now that I am done, I will top it off and make Dumbledore gay and I will stretch it as far as I can. Who does she think she is, William Shakespeare? Is she mimicking Romeo and Juliet by having Dumbledore kill his true love? Its just utter rubbish if you ask me.Before I admired her for how well she had written this child fantasy series. Notice I said this book is for children!!! I have all of her books and think that it really gets the imagination going in children/teenagers. Its a great fantasy book and doesn't ever encourage kids to join the wicken religion. The fact that the beloved Dumbledore, that you have grown to love and admire, is a homosexual is absolutely absurd!!! I guess the good thing is is that this is just a book. It doesn't really exist and you can use your own imagination. So in my mind, and when my kids read this book, they will not hear anything about Dumbledore being gay.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Did Jesus go to hell when He died on the cross?

You learn something everyday...especially if you are studying theology. I am not studying theology but tonight when I was leading senior high small group this question was asked. Initially my mouth dropped and I immediately thought "heck no, duh". Thankfully Pastor Ryan was there to save the day! Even though I had never heard of this question before, because some theologians have really, really studied this, it really got me thinking. So much that after church tonite I read the entire Gospels, looking at the Crucifixion, the Death of Jesus, the Burial of Jesus, the Resurrection, and the Ascension in particular. Mathew 28:7 says that Christ has risen from the dead. From what I have read about Heaven and Hell is that Heaven is life, eternal life. Theologians have done research that shows that when Jesus died He obviously did not go to Heaven but rather went to Hell and battled Satan for 3 days and was then resurrected. He then later ascended to Heaven. Of course I do not have actual proof where I could reference this in the bible. I just thought I would share this very interesting thought with my family and friends. This is one reason I love working with youth. They have wonderful questions and while I do not know half the answers I have God's book to help me. The questions make me think so much that I can't sleep at night until I have already done at least some reading in the bible. Feel free to let me know your opinions and if you have any resources on this topic.
I am still studying tons for my NCLEX Examination, the date is approaching quickly but the date will still not be told. Your prayers will be much appreciated however!!! I will have the results by Thanksgiving, I will tell you that much! :)
My mom did have a successful parathyroidectomy surgery (where they removed her parathyroid). The nasty little, walnut sized parathyroid (average size is the tip of your pinky finger, well unless you have huge hands like Mark) was between her esophagus and her trachea, or in my dad's terms, her eating tube and her breathing tube. It was not cancer and she is recovering well from the surgery. My family would still appreciate your prayers in the months ahead.
My lil-bro-in-law's varsity soccer team made is to Regional Finals! The first ever in NorthWood's history. On my husband's behalf they did have a lot easier bracket to play in than when Ryan was in High School.
My "lil" sister's varsity soccer team made it to Sectional Finals, the second time in NorthWood's history. The first time being when I was in high school. :)
Monday, September 24, 2007
Prayer Request
The surgery will be tomorrow Tuesday September 25 @ 8:30.
For those of you who don't know what Hyperparathryroidism is here you go: (provided by Web MD)
Hyperparathyroidism is over activity of the tiny glands in the neck that are next to the thyroid gland (parathyroid glands). The parathyroid glands release a substance called parathyroid hormone that helps control the amount of calcium in the bloodstream.
When the parathyroid glands produce too much hormone, the amount of calcium in the blood increases. The body removes calcium from the bones, absorbs more calcium from the intestines, and releases less calcium into the urine. This can result in constipation, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and other symptoms. It can also lead to kidney stones and weakening of the bones (osteoporosis).
This picture shows where your parathyroid is supposed to be. However, when you are developing as a fetus it is up underneath your chin with the lymph nodes and gradually gravitates down beside your thyroid. Sometimes your parathyroid doesn't make it all the way to your thyroid or it goes past your thyroid into your chest. My mom's parathyroid is not where it is supposed to be which is why they are now doing exploratory surgery.
Thanks for your prayers! I will keep you posted on her condition post-op!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Apple Festival
The Apple Festival did provide the opportunity to hang out with my B.F.F. Amy and my lil sis Starla. Harley of course loved it because she got to walk all over Nappanee all day long on Saturday and even a few hours on Sunday.
Starla and I bought a few scarves for all of the pets in the family. We definitely had a blast taking pictures of 4 different dogs in one picture! They actually turned out pretty good!
From Left to Right: Jasmine, Rusty, Harley, and Axel
For some reason my family thinks that I need to have a baby. I don't know why when you can have so much fun with adorable dogs!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Why nursing is such a rewarding job to have... or not
What the nurse hopes to see when she looks into the ear with an otoscope prior to the procedure is this...
This generally only takes a few minutes to wash out. The only protective equipment that is worn is the patient usually has a plastic cape draped over their shoulder (similar to what you wear when you get your hair cut) and maybe a towel or two to prevent getting wet. The nurse does not wear anything. Well, nurses really should start wearing shields over their faces because this week I got ear wax all over my face while cleaning a patients ear out. The patients entire ear was compacted even more so than the picture above. I go about my usual routine but as I start spraying the water into the ear, the water basically ricochets off of the ear wax (which immediately softened) and came shooting back at me and hit me in the face! Large wax chunks and all. It was like the ball exploded! It was the first time this had ever happened to me and hopefully the last!!!! It was disgusting!!!! Needless to say I was successful and her ear looked like new when I was done.
That shiny reflection is what you want to see! That is your ear drum!!!!
Isn't nursing so rewarding!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
A ditzy moment

Monday, September 10, 2007
My very first blog entry ever!!!
I am devoting this blog to my thoughts and feelings on numerous events. And if you know me at all, you know that it will not be boring. One of Ryan's favorite things to do when we are riding in the car in silence is to ask what I am thinking. He usually does this to get a good laugh. Another purpose is to keep my family and friends updated on my life.
I am currently studying for the NCLEX Examination. I have already attempted this exam once but received a "Nearly Passing" with a 95%. You need greater than a 95% to pass. I do plan on taking the NCLEX during the month of September but am not telling anyone but Ryan when I am taking it. The only reason Ryan is going to know is because I need him on the day to drag me into the awful testing facility. And then after I am done taking the test he is going to hug me and tell me how smart I am. We will then spend the afternoon at the zoo. Well, I have to have something to look forward too!
I am also helping my kid sister Starla Fern learn Human Anatomy which I thoroughly enjoy. Being that Human Anatomy was permanently engraved in my brain forever, I am glad to be of some help to her.
I am also a youth sponsor at the church I have grown up in. I really love working with the youth and being a mentor to them! I have advanced from attending the Junior High bible study (last year) to attending the Senior High bible study this year! This was due to my change in work schedule. I am learning a lot through my time with the youth and would not trade it for anything! Helping people is one of my passions in life.
Another passion of mine is working with animals, which is why my second job is working at a veterinarian. I have worked there since July 30th 2002. I started work there with my best friend, Amy. I work there every other weekend (usually). People always ask me which one I prefer, people or animals. My response always depends on the mood I am in. The benefit of working with the animals is that the muzzle is always an option!